
Primary Academics

What curriculum do you use for elementary learners?

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For elementary learners we use a mixture of BJU Press, Singapore Math, Masterbooks, Llamitas Spanish, Mystery Science, and various age appropriate curriculum materials. We choose not to limit our students to one comprehensive curriculum but rather seek out those materials that are stronger in certain subject areas. We do match scope and sequence so there are no gaps in student learning and achievement.

What electives are offered to elementary learners?

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We weave a variety of electives into each week including Art, Music, Bible, and Physical Education (sorry, no sports at this time). We chose to focus on Spanish because although French immersion honors our rich heritage, Spanish reflects the culture in which we live. We feel it will be more useful in our society.

Why don't you just use Abeka?

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Abeka is a fantastic curriculum used by many private schools. We will use pieces of the Abeka curriculum. However, we find it is very limiting in some subjects (Science) and too broad in others.

Study tips

Does Legacy Prep require a lot of homework?

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We fully support "family time" in the evenings! We will not send busy work home although families should expect to spend 30-60 minutes a day studying when necessary. Examples might include practicing spelling words or math facts. Some students need extra practice outside of the classroom.

How can I help my child succeed?

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We focus on the core concepts of faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, service, and love. If a child understands these principles and is encouraged to practice respectful behaviors at home and at school then we find the teaching process happens naturally. Practice discipline in both behavior and academic studies. Knowledge and wisdom will follow!


Does Legacy Prep offer accomodations?

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In short, no. We do not have the resources to accommodate various cognitive abilities. While we strive to satisfy varied learning styles we currently do not offer any remedial or special education programs. We do require students to maintain a C average or above. If your child isn't progressing we can have a family interview to see what areas we can address.


How can I stay connected?

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The Future of Legacy Prep

Will you ever offer secondary education?

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Yes! The plan is to start small and add one grade each year. By 2030 we will be a full K-12 scholl with an emphasis on preparing for college and career.

Will you ever become accredited?

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It's possible, but we're not focused on accreditation at the moment. Fear not! Accreditation can be a fancy term for "do it their way". We can remain unaccredited and your child can still receive TOPS, scholarships, and college admission. How? Much of the things parents stress over can be summed up in a students ACT score (which only needs to be a couple of points higher than that of any accredited public or private school student). When we reach this stage, we'll guide families through the entire process and until then we'll make sure that we're staying informed with all the latest rules and requirements for the State of Louisiana.

[Note from the principal: Fear not, I have successfully enrolled not one but TWO college students who went through similar home-study programs - both fully covered by TOPS & scholarships.]

What about technology and STEM?

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STEM, STEAM, STREAM... we're up on all the acronyms! We are committed to increasing our technology through future grants and fundraisers. Our end goal is to supply every secondary student with a laptop as the school continues to grow. We also plan to outfit all of our classrooms with the latest technologies, SMARTboards, screens, and gadgets... but for now, we're focused on strong academics. However, if you want us to reach those techie goals faster, donate today!

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